Elaine Yarbrough
Nov 29, 20212 min read
Get Ready to take your ENCORE
What is calling me now? How do I find meaning and satisfaction for later stages of life? We are living longer with better health and...
Lindsay Burr
Nov 29, 20211 min read
Slip the Supply Chain - give the gift of ignition
If you are wondering what to get for your loved ones, or yourself, why not give the gift of igniting their fire? The average American...
Lindsay Burr
Nov 29, 20214 min read
Overview The YARBROUGH group offers “Fire Starter”, a five course series to provide Millennials, early stage professionals and mid-level...
Lindsay Burr
Nov 29, 20212 min read
(re)imagining your career - Winter 2022 Cohort
What if you finished each day feeling satisfied? This 6-session, on-line course, is for mid-career professionals dissatisfied with their...
Lindsay Burr
Oct 4, 20212 min read
(re)imagining your career - Fall 2021 Cohort
This 6-session, on-line course, is for mid-career professionals dissatisfied with their current career path. This may be switching...